Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Growing up online

     In the PBS presentation there were several issues raised about the effect social networking has on teens at home and in the classrooms. The internet and social media has become a a part of our daily lives and we are intertwined with it. In the pbs documentary there were some teachers that were ok with using technology to get their message across to students and used it as a tool for teaching and getting the students attention. Teens used social media to have sort of an alter ego online separate from reality.
       Students do too much of their social media online. And even when friends would get together they would all be lost in their respective devices. In one portion of the film it shows a group of teens meet  at a friends house and they all bring their lap tops and just play video games online, having very minimal conversation.One thing that was very surprising as well was how clueless the parents were the whole time.

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